La mer

Making time to release pressure, to relax and prevent stress-related disorders is a simple way to recover and maintain health and wellness.

Relaxation and a regular massage are an active prevention of risks. They reduce blood pressure, relax muscles and increasethe our level of hormones that bring us a sense iof well-being.

A massage has multiple benefits. It acts upon the physical, psychological as well as mental and emotional dimensions.

An oil body massage has a soothing and relaxing action.

It balances the nervous system through the calming effect generated by the stimulation of the nerve endings.

A massage also opens our respiratory capacity and produces a sense of lightness and overall well-being.

The skin if the largest organ of our body.

Being touched is vital for our equilibrium.

The fulfilling awakening of body consciousness leads to an overall healthier state throught the improvement blood, lymphatic and energy circulation in the body.

The wellness that comes with a massage brings greater motivation and concentration,  and the sense of performance and creativity.

During a session, I mix techniques and follow my inspiration.

Everything is movement and in movement. My wayof working evolves with my own growth.

I propose, with my sensitivity and intuition, a tailor-made session, listening to what is present.

I use a mix of oils that I prepare myself, with quality and organic vegetable and essential oils..

My musical choices are personal, far from the clichés of « relaxation music ».

The sessions take place in a practice, and at your home solely when you are not in a state of mobility. I then adapt my services to the particular context.

A session lasts approxiamtely 1 hour and a half. It includes an exchange at the beginning of the session and time at the end to allow you to retrun to your daily life without rushing.

The massages offered are in no way similar, either in content or in their objectives, to the practice of physiotherapy, as well as to a medical or paramedical practice, and cannot replace any conventional treatment.. In the case of serious illness, recent intervention, please come with the authorization of your doctor or specialist.

I am a member of the Fédération Française de Massage-Bien-Être and signatory of its code of ethics.

Logo de MBE France Massage

Photo d'une feuillle et d'une main illustrants le massage

A little peace, a lot of gentleness and a little wisdom, when I feel that in me everything is fine.

Etty Hillesum

Massage appointment
  • 1,hr : 80 €
  • 1,5hrs session : 100 €
  • Any appointment cancelled less than 24 hours in advance remains due.
  • Thank you for your understanding.